I guess you all remember our kitten rescue last year. Mama cat had 5 babies at our 2ND property. These three pictured today are the three of the five that we kept. We still have the Mama too. I will get a picture of her next time. I had a little fun with Cooper. He's a very good little model! They are all wonderful cats & we love them dearly. I just wish my husband could see how beautiful they all turned out.
Her is:

hi diane!
oh they are all so beautiful!
i love all of their different colors and markings.
what a special bunch!
Cooper looks so cool in his hat! I guess I'll need some sort of head covering when I step out to go to the post office this afternoon. Still raining over here in the O.C. too!
I love the rain, just don't like driving in it :(
They are beautiful... We have 2 that we found in the back of Bruce's truck when they were less than 4 weeks. Chevy (named after the truck) is a white, flame point short hair with crystal blue eyes. Chopper is a grey tabby and is my sweet girl. I wish I wasn't allergic to them, but I am so much so that I get asthma... so they have to stay outside. I miss being able to love on them...but of course, my dog, Fred doesn't mind that he has the house to himself again.
Diane, they are just beautiful and it is apparent that they are much loved...
Hi Diane,
These are magnificent examples of the feline species!!
Gorgeous colors and looking so healthy and content. Your are a great mama to these guys.
ooo sweet sweet kitties...
Hi Diane
Looky those fluff balls! They are gorgeous.
They have grown sooo much!
I am glad you comment button is back.
Jeepers I looked all night for it.
Hi Diane...beautiful cats. Cooper is especially stylin' in his colorful hat!
Loved your bird collage too. xox
for heinz 57 kitties they are adorable and pretty and look so sweet
oh my goodness, your cats are PRECIOUS. Makes me want to reach out and give them a hug! Cats are so awesome. :)
they are so adorable Diane!!! i will have to show Cole tomorrow!!! he will love them!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
A very handsom bunch!
Cats... Ack! You know they're aliens, right? One tried to entice Stella up to it's spaceship with it's kibble, but mom saved her just in time.
Snorts and Farts,
Stella, Gunther and Betty
OHHHHH, would you allow me to save the picture of your kitty with the hat...I love CATS IN HATS, in fact it is my favorite theme to collect in ATCs etc.
and I am trying very hard to find a female kitten, if any of your friends live in NJ (besides me)
let me know, on both.
Pieces of Fate
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