I finally got my hands on some crafts this weekend. Each year around Christmas, my friend, Minnie picks an art project that she shares with her friends. We gather at her home & she teaches us a new project. This year, we felted soap. Felting has never really been something I was too interested in but I really did find these to be a lot of fun.
Basically, we took the white wool & did 3 layers of that...1st layer, lay the wool (a very thin piece) horizontally, 2ND layer, a vertical pattern & 3RD layer another horizontal pattern. Lay your soap on the wool & fold it over & pat it down. I added the colored wool to the top & back side. Then you place the wrapped soap in a nylon stocking. Dip that in hot water & rub a bit until the soap starts to suds. Remove from the stocking. You will need to rub the soap for a while for the wool to adhere to it. Once it starts to stick good, rinse in cold water & place it in the sun (yes, we still have sun in our beautiful state) & let it dry. That was it!
Pictured are Gail's 4 bars on the right & mine are the 3 on the left.
A big THANK YOU to Minnie once again for sharing this new technique with us.