Happy Earth Day Everyone! There are many things we can do to save Mother Earth but one thing we can do that is so easy is to simply plant a tree!
This is one of the best things you can do for your mother Earth. Plant a sapling or bury a few seeds in your garden soil and watch it grow. If you do not have a garden, buy a pot and fill it with soil. Bury the seeds down into the soil and moisten them daily to let them sprout seedlings in a few weeks. It is a small but significant way on your part to contribute more oxygen to the atmosphere.
This morning I am posting a GORGEOUS quilt that my best friend, Phyllis (from The Woodlands, TX.) made for me. This is only her 3rd or 4th quilt she's made. I think she is a genius at the sewing machine. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful friend make something so beautiful for me. Thank you so much, Phyllis. I truly love you!!!
2nd post....some pretty flowers for your enjoyment.